
Primitive Reflex Integration Services in california


All services are provided by Susan Uribe, trained Reflex and Sensory Integration Practitioner with over 20+ years of experience working in child development. Her services are available for both children and adults.

Integrating a Primitive Reflex through brain fitness exercises

Integrating a Primitive Reflex through Brainiacs brain-body play program

What Are Primitive Reflexes?

You may think crawling is just crawling, but it is so much more than that. Through the movement of crawling, a baby is developing the Bauer crawl reflex. This is just one of many examples of reflexes that are a precursor to higher academic development as it strengthens the right and left brain hemispheres. 

When primitive reflexes don't fully develop or integrate into the body systems, a host of physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges can begin later in life. This is often first noticed by parents by their child’s 3rd birthday. 

If your baby did not crawl for example, and is now also experiencing emotional instability or cognitive setbacks, there are movements, done through reflex integration play-based therapy, that can be done now to help bring balance back into their bodies.

Primitive Reflexes develop in the womb. Their purpose:

  • to provide the base building blocks necessary for higher developmental as we grow from babies, to kids, and into adolescence and adulthood

The interaction with the world through movement, sight, smell, and touch allows for the brain to continue building vital neural pathways which leads to higher-level brain development necessary for children and adults.

Essentially, early movement during infancy and childhood years are at the foundation of human development. 

Brainiac’s science-based program addresses the root causes of:

  • ADHD / ADD

  • Sensory processing challenges and disorders

  • Anxiety

  • Learning challenges

  • Lack of emotional and behavioral regulation

  • Inability to focus

What Prevents Primitive Reflexes from fully developing? 

This is not mentioned to assign blame, but only to name a few possible reasons why Primitive Reflex development may have been stunted. 

  • Trauma (during mother’s pregnancy or birth process, or during early months of infancy)

  • Prolonged or Chronic Stress

  • Lack of developmental movement

The chart below lists some reflexes, their purpose, and signs the reflex is not fully integrated in the body system. 

Primitive Reflex Chart

Brainiac Therapy's Brain Fitness Programs can help!

The Brainiac® Brain Fitness Program is focused on the brain's hierarchy and on the restoration and maturation of reflexes and sensory processing in order to awaken natural genetic memory.

This is all accomplished through repetitive movement.

The Brainiac Therapy Brain Fitness Programs involve a practitioner easily guiding and demonstrating physical movements until a child and their parent understands what moves need to be done. It requires time, dedication and persistence. But, the results obtained by reworking the neural pathways through movement and allowing the whole brain body system to become fully activated is invaluable.